Tuesday, May 28, 2013

CRGroup Tips & Tricks: Account Level Security Setup in Microsoft Dynamics GP

What is Account Level Security?
Account Level Security helps you set up security on your Chart of Accounts. Once account security is activated, you can’t enter, view, edit, or post any transactions in General Ledger windows that include a secured account—that is, an account to which you don’t have access.
How does Account Level Security work?
  • When you use the transaction entry windows in your sub modules, you can enter, view, and edit transactions that include default distributions to secured accounts. However, account security will apply to account distributions.
  • You can open the distribution entry windows, but if any accounts are secured (i.e., not available to you) the account field will be blank and the message “Access denied/Account missing” will appear in the Description field.
  • If you attempt to enter an account number that is secured, the message “You don’t have permission to create new accounts or view all accounts” will appear when you move from the field. The account and description fields will be cleared.

Monday, May 27, 2013

CRGroup Tips & Tricks: Copying Journal Entries in Microsoft Dynamics GP

Did you know that GP2010 & GP2013 allow you to copy a previous journal entry with a new journal entry number?
It's true! And after you copy the complete entry, you can then change the Dr. or Cr. Amounts and/or add or remove a new GL Code to your new entry.
So, if have any recurring entries and you enter them manually, save some time and start using the ‘Copy’ functionality instead!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Corporate Renaissance Group Attracts CFOs, Controllers, and Accountants with Business Productivity Seminar

Ottawa, ON – May 16th, 2013: Corporate Renaissance Group (CRGroup), a certified Microsoft Partner and global provider of products and solutions for improving business performance and management, has announced that it will hold an informational overview of Microsoft® Dynamics GP™ for executives interested in learning more about enterprise resource planning solutions.

As part of the ”Ottawa Productivity Seminar Series”, the event will be held on Wednesday, May 29, 2013 from 9:00 a.m. to noon at the Microsoft Canada Suite in the World Exchange Plaza, 100 Queen Street. The event is complimentary and open to the Ottawa business community.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Latest Version of CRG emPerform Offers Integrated 360° Review Functionality

OTTAWA, ON: April 15, 2013 – Corporate Renaissance Group (CRG), a global provider of innovative solutions that improve business performance and increase effectiveness, announced today the availability of version 4.4 of emPerform, CRG’s online talent management solution. Among the list of enhancements and added functionality, this latest release offers integrated 360° performance reviews.

Using multiple perspectives to complete employee reviews is quickly becoming the standard for an effective performance management strategy. Managers often have a limited perspective when it comes to assessing employees and 360° feedback offers the ability to gain insight from people who work closely with one another to generate fair and accurate reviews that have value and can be used for decision making.